Successful conflict resolution - used Ken Lawson English Books•Nonfiction

Hinduism•Islam and Atheism : face to face•50 Success Classics•50 Economics Classics•Thinking Fast and Slow•Billion Dollar Whael : The Man Who Fooled•One Up On Wall Street•The Speed Of Trust : The One Thing that Changes Everything•Smart Trust•Business Adventures•Bitcoin Billionaires•Trillion Dollar Coach

Successful conflict resolution - used


Business Buddies personal advice books offer concise answers to questions and problems related to virtually all aspects of business management, coordination, communication, and generally getting ahead in the corporate world. Each title follows the series’ general format with checklists of do’s and don’ts and succinct business pointers. Business Buddies titles are fast-read idea books for career-minded men and women, emphasizing practical advice that readers can put to immediate use as they move up the corporate ladder. This title focuses on competition as a fundamental part of doing business and succeeding at it. But sometimes, both people and ideas come into direct conflict. Here is advice focused toward resolving them and creating win-win situations.

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