pygmalion Bernard Shaw English Books•Fiction - Literature

The Godfather 2 : Sicilian•The Godfather 1•The Tolkien Treasury : Boxset•Daughter Of Darkness•Red Queen 1•The Keeper of Stories•Gone Girl•Amish Homestead 4 : A Welcome at our Door•Lucky•This Summers Secrets•I Did It For You•The Love Wager



Henry Higgins, a phonetician, agrees to coach and groom Eliza Doolittle, a Cockney flower girl and transform her into a socially acceptable person, no less than a duchess. But in the process he begins to admire her. and where this leads is both hilarious and amusing. “I sold flowers. I didn’t sell myself. Now you’ve made a lady of me I’m not fit to sell anything else.” A stinging satire on the British class system, George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion, with its true-to-life characters, was a sensational success which went on to become one of his most popular plays. Having undergone various adaptations, the most widely known being the American musical My Fair Lady, the play continues to tug at the heartstrings of its audiences even more than a century after its first performance.

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