Beach Read Emily Henry English Books•Fiction - Literature People We Meet On Vacation

The Godfather 2 : Sicilian•The Godfather 1•The Tolkien Treasury : Boxset•Daughter Of Darkness•Red Queen 1•The Keeper of Stories•Gone Girl•Amish Homestead 4 : A Welcome at our Door•Lucky•This Summers Secrets•I Did It For You•The Love Wager

Beach Read


He doesn't believe in happy endings. She's lost her faith that they exist. But could they find one together? January is a hopeless romantic who narrates her life like she's the lead in a blockbuster movie. Gus is a serious literary type who thinks true love is a fairy-tale. But January and Gus have more in common than you'd think:They're both broke. They've got crippling writer's block. And they need to write bestsellers before summer ends.The result? A bet to swap genres and see who gets published first.The risk? In telling each other's stories, their worlds might be changed entirely...

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